KAMISYS is a company specializing in industrial equipment control and supervision. Their aim is to help their clients during the creation or the modernization of their products or infrastructures, while respecting the performance, security, safety and availability constraints specific to their business. KAMISYS offers third and fourth generation SCADA systems, designed with and for their clients.
KAMISYS areas of expertise are diverse and complete each other:
- real time, embedded software, kernel software
- programmables logical controllers
- network and network protocols,
- user interfaces, ergonomy and accessibility, light and heavy clients, mobile apps,
- databases,
- unit testing, software integration, harware/software integration, interface testing and acceptance testing,
- harware and software platform design, network architecture design,
- cabling, installation and T&C.
Since 2009, KAMISYS interacts with companies located in France and overseas (50% of its annual income comes from outside the EU). The staff is made of experienced engineers with a large spectrum of expertise to be able to offer a complete, personalized and quality solution to the client whatever their needs.
KAMISYS not only helps large industrial firms modernize their existing products, but also smaller businesses, right from the start: numerous clients trust KAMISYS and ask for valuable advice as early as during the product design phase, which makes the services all the more challenging as they become a key factor for the company's success.
Long-term partnerships are the norm for KAMISYS, it is usual for us to include a defect liability period and amintenance addendum to our contracts.
KAMISYS primary goal is to provide complete systems that fit the specific needs of their customer's business and constraints.
A typical project would include, as a minimum:
- technical and commercial project management, delivery schedule,
- technical documentation of all project activities
- development, manufacturing, testing, integration, acceptance
- installation, T&C
In order to secure, lengthen and maintain a high level of quality during our collaboration, KAMISYS also offers a larger panel of services:
- development following application-specific norms (EN50128 or IEC62304 for instance)
- Feasability, prototyping
- Technical auditing
- Training
- Maintenance